
Entering the New Year or a new season inspires some to clean up not just their closets, but their bodies as well. Detox isn’t a set protocol. What one visualizes as a cleanse is very different than what someone else is doing. There are simple ways that aren’t time-intensive or life-changing. You can add packaged[…]

Raw Food and Me

I don’t know what to think. When I take a look at what I eat, what I like to eat, what I crave from time to time, what I eat when stressed I eat pretty well. Despite having participated in a nearly 3 week cleanse, of which I don’t know what the benefits would be[…]

I froze my truffles

In solidarity, five women and one man, we froze our truffles. In the company of intelligent friends with eclectic senses of humor, a bit tiredness, and a few of us filled with chocolatey sugarness and accompanied by a loud sound system of 70’s 80’s and today muzak words are misheard and other snippets become knee[…]