Cultured veggies

On a whim a couple months ago, I decided to offer a class on fermented foods. Of all the topics I could speak on from stress reduction, energy work, positive thinking, meditation, acupuncture, nutrition, herbs, essential oils…you get the picture…I chose the most obscure topic. It has turned out to be the best topic as[…]

Autumn Classes! Fermented Foods in the Kitchen

What have you been looking for? An easy detox, improved digestion, more stable mood, greater energy? Join me in the kitchen and I will teach you how to accomplish this and more! Kefir is chock full of probiotics-all the good bacteria your digestive tract needs. Much of your immune system and serotonin production is housed[…]

What’s Bugging You?

Do you experience any nagging repetitive thoughts? Run through past events over and over with alternative dialog? Seem to be stuck in negative emotions or complaining? Something’s bugging you! These mental and emotional tendencies are what I like to call mental and emotional parasites – mentally repeating events or hanging onto destructive emotions and thoughts[…]

All Systems Go!

Even though it was June, it was a little late in the season when I began my Spring cleanse – a colon cleanse, liver cleanse and blood and lymph cleanse – though a little later than I generally begin and it would be a 4.5 week process. The series was suggested by a colleague and[…]


Seasonal changes affect everyone on some level. Our responses to the shift, thanks to being an individual, can be varied, subtle or frustrating. Some of us know the seasons are shifting by our allergies and others by a change in sleep patterns or changes in energy or moods. Wood is the element associated with spring.[…]


Entering the New Year or a new season inspires some to clean up not just their closets, but their bodies as well. Detox isn’t a set protocol. What one visualizes as a cleanse is very different than what someone else is doing. There are simple ways that aren’t time-intensive or life-changing. You can add packaged[…]