All Systems Go!

Even though it was June, it was a little late in the season when I began my Spring cleanse – a colon cleanse, liver cleanse and blood and lymph cleanse – though a little later than I generally begin and it would be a 4.5 week process. The series was suggested by a colleague and[…]

Vegetables Don’t Taste Good!

Excuse Me! During my slow and transitioning month of May, I turned on daytime tv. I came across an infomercial with Montel Williams. Did you know he promotes a juicer/blender? And every person who hates vegetables came to the taping? I was appalled. I am the most adamantly against the in-your-face “do this or you’ll[…]

May Promotions for Acupuncture and Core Synch

Please sign up for my updates through Surfacing Wellness & Health website to continue to receive monthly promotions. Receive $10 off acupuncture or core synch appointments in Wicker Park Mondays and Thursdays in May between 8:00 am and 3:00 pm. New clients receive initial consultation free when booking their first Community Acupuncture session in Wicker[…]

Calm amidst the Chaos

Where do I begin! I generally touch on time-for-oneself around the Winter holiday season when we are pulled in all directions – family gatherings, hosting and attending parties, thinking of gifts, finding those gifts, in addition to the regular daily routine. We are all feeling the additional stresses in this time of economic and social[…]


Seasonal changes affect everyone on some level. Our responses to the shift, thanks to being an individual, can be varied, subtle or frustrating. Some of us know the seasons are shifting by our allergies and others by a change in sleep patterns or changes in energy or moods. Wood is the element associated with spring.[…]

Response to Anxiety

Anxiety is a combination of fear and worry. Our central nervous system mobilizes us to respond to danger by setting in motion a complex sequence of biochemical and physiological events. The sympathetic fight-or-flight response should trigger action, but many times we experience the sweating, racing heart, and acute awareness and possibly other physical symptoms yet[…]

Self-imposed happiness

I have many days free this time of the year. Easily sucked into the anxiety surrounding me and within me, I am not enjoying the free time. Logically, realistic reasons exist, but, as with anything, getting caught in that frenzy of what is not, what I do not have, what I need is keeping me[…]