Wintery Stew

To use up the last of some vegetables, I made this savory Winter stew. Cauliflower is packed with vitamin C Mushrooms are great for the immune system Pungency of leek and spices aid in throwing off early cold symptoms Greens are packed with vitamin K, A, and C folate, and calcium Garbanzo beans lower cholesterol[…]

Third Week of Food Delivery

My computer was getting de-virused two weeks ago so I didn’t post the recipes. And last week I was recuperating from my own virus so I didn’t want to infect my friends by delivering food. So here what I made last time. I barely remember the proportions of ingredients since these were from two weeks[…]

Second Week of Food Delivery

I didn’t cook for my friends last week since they were being thankful with and fed by family and friends for the holiday. I stated at the end of the last entry what I would be cooking this time and my ideas changed some. I was watching the grey windy sky and all I wanted[…]

Savory Corn Muffins

These muffins were eaten so quickly, I have no photo!Since I work weekends, making muffins and getting to a Labor Day weekend party made a packed day for me but also a fun one. Friends famous for their secret BBQ recipe hosted a party on the patio. I decided corn muffins would be a great[…]

Thanksgiving Recipes

Just for the heck of it, I made a fully gluten-free Thanksgiving dinner a couple years ago. No guest had any food sensitivities and all thought it was a little odd I made this meal for them. It was purely for myself – proving it could be done and be incredibly edible. Of course I[…]