The Superheroes of Food

They” call them superfoods or next level foods, I call them seeds and berries and algae. I do add to my smoothies seaweeds and other superfoods. Items within this category of power-packed foods vary depending who is making the list! Gillian McKeith, controversial nutritionist, divides superfoods into 5 categories: Green, Bee, Herb, Sea, and Leafy.[…]

Quick Salad

Outside of blending green smoothies these last few months, I’ve not spent much time in the kitchen. I started receiving weekly boxes of organic veggies from a local grocer this month, which has necessitated me to cook or at least assemble vegetables. Here’s one from this week: 2 small ears of corn3 large leaves of[…]

Food, Inc.

The movie’s buzz was loud in the vegan, raw, macrobiotic communities months before it released nationwide. Links for Food Inc. were constantly popping up on my Facebook page from friends, practitioners, chefs, green activists, journalists, and businesses. If you’ve read or heard excerpts or synopses as I have of Michael Pollan’s Omnivore’s Dilemma, you will[…]

34 Billion American Dollars

A 2007 survey on the use of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) over a 12 month period showed American spent $33.9 billion out-of-pocket on products and services. CAM encompasses the array of medical and health care systems, practices and products including herbal supplements, meditation, yoga, chiropractic, massage and acupuncture that are not part of conventional[…]